The Altrincham F.C. Supporters' Group (TASC), Committee Meeting, Saturday, November 29th, 2008.
Chris Ainsworth, Darren Gregory, Ian Jones, Gareth Thomas, Brian Flynn, Steve Foster, Mike Ainsworth, Dawn Abbott (Part)
Graham Jackett, Tom Jacobs, Grahame Rowley
Minutes of November 1st 2008 Meeting
Poker Nights:
Mike Ainsworth will provide an update at the January meeting.
Fixtures Poster
Chris Ainsworth will produce the next poster for December 20th.
The Old Fashioned Football Shirts/Pub Crawl
Gareth Thomas to provide an update at the January meeting.
Darren Gregory proposed that the minutes were accepted & this was seconded by Mike Ainsworth.
New Year Draw
Sale of Tickets:
Sales seem to be going quite well at this stage and we decided to order a reprint of tickets as there were only about 300-400 books left. The reprint would have Keith Davey as the named lottery promoter. Gareth Thomas to ask John Laidlar to promote Draw on the club website & to get Steve Raftery to publicise on the Public Address
Smaller Prizes: There are some available from last year. Brian Flynn to e-mail wider group to ask for a volunteer to organise & be responsible for the prizes & also to request further prizes.
Mike Ainsworth to ascertain whether the revenue raised from selling Match DVDs via Ebay will be counted as TASC raised money.
Darren Gregory advised that 450 bags had been issued after the Cambridge United game and that hopefully we will know how much has been raised by the January meeting.
Christmas Lunch for Pensioners
This is an idea of Dave Johnson's and he is organising it. It will take place at 12.30pm on Wednesday 17th December in The Sponsor's Lounge. The cost is £5.99. Mike Ainsworth suggested mailshotting Queens Court near the ground. Brian Flynn to organise flyers for Bowling Club Meeting in Sponsors Lounge on Sunday November 30th. (6 Bookings received from this).
Brian Flynn to e-mail wider group as we need supporters to push this event to make it a success!
Future Ideas:
Brian Flynn to follow these up with Grahame Rowley/Derek Wilshaw/Graham Heathcote.
Any Other Business (AOB)
Thanks to Steve Foster for taking these minutes.
Brian Flynn, Chairman, The Altrincham Supporters Group (TASC)
The Altrincham FC Supporters' Club - TASC
By kind permission of Brian Flynn, the minutes of the Altrincham F.C. Supporters' Club Committee are reproduced below. In due course, the Committee will launch its own website.