Brian Flynn, Gareth Thomas, Steve Foster, Peter Foster, Mike Ainsworth, Grahame Rowley, Anthony Wright, Chris Ainsworth,
Dan Martell.
Ian Rosendaal, Darren Gregory, Ian Jones, Graham Jackett, Steve Raftery.
Minutes of 10th January 2009 Meeting
We would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Ian Rosendaal for missing his name from the apologies list from the minutes dated 10th January 2009.
Poker Night
Brian Flynn confirmed he had spoken with Mark Harris from Witton Albion who was able to confirm that a gentleman called Adam Wright does the poker nights. The company charge £1.25 per player and the club charge £1.50 with food. The average number of people turning up is 20.
Mike Ainsworth confirmed that he has a contact who organises poker nights. Mike will contact him to ascertain whether it is worthwhile progressing this idea.
Fixture Poster
Brian Flynn thanked Chris Ainsworth for arranging the last fixture poster and another poster covering games to the end of the season will be issued.
The Old Fashioned Football Shirts/Pub Crawl
Both of these are on hold for the time being.
Darren Gregory has confirmed that the cheque for £104 from Bags2TheFuture has arrived & been given to Derek Wilshaw to bank.
Mother's Day Lunch
Brian Flynn confirmed he had spoken with Dave Johnson regarding a Mother's Day lunch . This is not practical to do as Dave may have a private engagement on that day & we would not be able to secure the same support that we received for the Christmas Lunch e.g. Cresta Court Hotel would not be able to lend us equipment on that day as they would be using it.
Steve Foster proposed that the minutes were accepted & this was seconded by Gareth Thomas.
The amount raised is broadly the same as previous meeting i.e. over £1,000. Dan Martell, Chris Ainsworth and friends to carry out the bucket collections at half time at home games until the end of the season. Mike Ainsworth to ask Steven Raftery to make announcements at home games regarding the bucket collections at half time. Brian Flynn to speak to Andrew Nash regarding the best way of carrying out these collections.
Cost of hire £200. The race pack has arrived. Mike Ainsworth to speak to Peter Lewis to see if he would organise this event.
Steve Foster to speak to Ian Jones to see if he would do the triple-forecast again this year. Cost to sponsor a race is £25.
Cost to Sponsor a horse is £5. Grahame Rowley to speak to Stuart Coburn regarding the players sponsoring a race.
Steve Foster confirmed at the moment we have 15 mobiles with a projected value of £53. Target set for 100 by the end of the season. Message going onto the club website,forum and in the match day programmes.
Like ebay but with no costs.You can sell anything on this. Mike Ainsworth to investigate whether this is worth pursuing.
Brian Flynn displayed two examples of high quality bin stickers that had been customised for Altrincham F.C. In order to test out the market & achieve the best cash flow, we decided to trial selling these through online orders via the Club Shop. Each sticker would retail for £4.99 (£2.04 profit to the Club) & orders would be taken in the Club Shop & then submitted on-line.
National Lottery On-line syndicate scheme. It is £5 per week per person with a 20% margin. Administration costs are £10 a year membership. We decided not to do this at this time as it was deemed that we could get higher profit margins through other fundraising schemes.
Future ideas in the pipeline
New Year's Day Raffle
Gareth Thomas confirmed that around £100 worth of books were sold at the Northwich game (3rd February). Graham Houghton to bring books on the Saturday with the money. Placing of prizes in the Noel White Suite Brian Flynn, Gareth Thomas and Steve and Peter Foster to organise. Gareth Thomas confirmed that he has a large clear storage box to place tickets in.
Anthony Wright to send letters to STAR members whose membership has lapsed. Brian Flynn to talk to Peter Lewis regarding existing templated letters.
Launch date for TASC Membership is the Woking game on the 21st of February. Membership forms to be printed to hand out at the gates.
Benefits of membership:
Treasurer's Report
School Ticket Initiative
Ian Rosendaal has suggested that we have a 'Schools Initiative' where we invite pupils from a number of schools to a game at Moss Lane with a view to making a significant impact on the crowd for that game. We agreed that this was a good idea & decided that the best time to do this would be in September as hopefully this would encourage repeat attendance at games throughout next season.
Any Other Business (AOB)
Aims and Objectives
Gareth Thomas's proposal was accepted & these will now be published
The next meeting to be held on Thursday 12th March 2008 at the Railway Hotel in Hale at 8pm
The Altrincham FC Supporters' Club - TASC
By kind permission of Brian Flynn, the minutes of the Altrincham F.C. Supporters' Club Committee are reproduced below. In due course, the Committee will launch its own website.
Minutes of The Altrincham Supporters' Club (TASC) Committee Meeting, Thursday 5th February 2009