The Altrincham FC Supporters' Club - TASC
By kind permission of Brian Flynn, the minutes of the Altrincham F.C. Supporters' Club Committee are reproduced below. In due course, the Committee will launch its own website.
Minutes of The Altrincham Supporters' Club (TASC) Committee Meeting, Thursday, 18th June 2009
Dawn Abbott, Brian Flynn, Steve Foster, Mike Ainsworth, Anthony Wright, Gareth Thomas.
Apologies: Peter Foster, Grahame Rowley, Ian Jones, Graham Jackett, Daisy Sellar, Simon Ellis, Paul Daine, Chris Ainsworth,
Steven Raftery, David Tracey, Ian Rosendaal
Minutes of 14th May 2009 Meeting
Fixture Poster: Chris Ainsworth to produce new fixture poster, including details of home friendlies and home August Blue Square Premier Fixtures by July 11th.
TASC Advertising Board: Mike Ainsworth to email the final version of the advertising board to Brian Flynn for onward distribution. Mike advised that the situation of the Board would be different to the current STAR Board.
Match Billboards: Brian Flynn has composed a letter for Grahame Rowley to send out to Tesco, Sainsbury's and Aldi as per their request, regarding the advertising of matches in their Altrincham stores.
Grahame Rowley to contact Trafford Borough Council regarding the possibility of advertising matches in the Town Centre.
Gareth Thomas proposed that the minutes were accepted and this was seconded by Steven Foster.
Fundraising Update
Race Night: Four payments for horses are still outstanding. Mike Ainsworth to collect these at Pre-Season games.
Golf Day (Friday July 24th): Full details of this event have been published on the Club website. Brian Flynn confirmed that 11 people have signed up to date & that he will try to get an article in the Messenger about it.
Abay: Dave Tracey and Mike Ainsworth to produce a proposal for the July meeting.
Altrincham Festival (Saturday July 4th): Dawn Abbott to deal with booking & administration of this event. Brian Flynn advised that Geoff Goodwin had agreed to provide a vehicle for this event and Dawn will contact him to organise. There will be an Event Planning Meeting held in the Sponsors' Lounge at 2pm on Saturday 27th June. Dawn to speak to Colin Mitchell and Graham Jackett who have kindly offered to help out on the day. As well as featuring in the parade, we will have a penalty competition & Rocky Robin will attend. Brian Flynn to speak with Graham Heathcote to ascertain whether any players can also attend.
Gigs in the Noel White Suite: Possible gigs for this season are:- Harbingers, U2 Tribute Band, Shaky Dog, Cleo Tighe
Calendar: Peter Foster's initial plan is attached. Mike Ainsworth suggested that a line per day may be preferable to a box per day. Providing the extra cost wasn't prohibitive, we could consider producing two versions of the calendar. There was a general view that selling month sponsorships to different sponsors would probably be easier than trying to find a single overall sponsor.
Cult Zeros: Anthony Wright confirmed that he had been in contact with a representative from Cult Zeros who produce bespoke T-shirts which could feature specific Altrincham players. There is already one on their website for Colin Little. T-Shirts priced at £13.99. If people order shirts direct from their website using the URL for Altrincham F.C. then we would receive 20% commission. Anthony will contact Cult Zeros for some samples and will bring them to next meeting.
Membership stands at 96. Anthony confirmed that a new membership list has been created and will be handed to Tom Jacobs for use in conjunction with Away Travel next season. Anthony will put together three letters to welcome new members, confirm renewal & for lapsed members. Anthony Wright to liaise with Gareth Thomas (Membership Cards) & Paul Daine (Mailing) to co-ordinate the Membership Process.
TASC table to continue in the club shop. Anthony Wright, Brian Flynn and Mike Garnett to organise this.
Monthly Draw for Match day Hospitality: Will be drawn after the home friendly on the Saturday 25th July against Bolton Wanderers.
Treasurer's Report
No report this month.
Any Other Business (AOB)
Co-op Bank Accounts Signatories: We are in the process of updating the signatory list for the TASC Bank Account.
TASC Website: To be launched in July.
TASC Social Event: Night at Belle Vue Greyhounds went well, however it was poorly attended, possibly due to relatively short notice. We will organise a 'Curry Night' once the new season has started.
Next Meeting
The next meeting to be held at 8pm on Thursday 16th July 2009 at The Orange Tree, Altrincham.