The Altrincham FC Supporters' Club - TASC

By kind permission of Brian Flynn, the minutes of the Altrincham F.C. Supporters' Club Committee are reproduced below. In due course, the Committee will launch its own website.

Minutes of The Altrincham Supporters' Club (TASC) Committee Meeting, Saturday, 23 January 2010, Noel White Suite


Steve Foster, Grahame Rowley, Peter Foster, Anthony Wright, Ian Jones,

Apologies from Dawn Abbott, Brian Flynn, Mike Ainsworth, Gareth Thomas, Steve Raftery, Mike Garnett, Graham Jackett.

Minutes from December 2009 Meeting

Minutes of the last minuted meeting were proposed by Ian Jones and seconded by Anthony Wright.

Matters Arising from the Minutes of the 19 December 2009 Meeting

  • Calendar

    1st edition:

  • Received from GR Photography -80
  • Sold –72
  • Donated to Australia Cricket –at least 2
  • Auctioned -2
  • In shop-1
  • Not accounted for -2
  • Given to sponsors-1
  • Billed: 80 x 4.88(£390.40) excluding V.A.T.
  • Received for sponsorship: £100
  • Auctioned-£130
  • Total Received Payments £720
  • Estimated profit to date: £559.60

    2nd edition:

  • Received from GR Photography-20
  • Sold - 13
  • Billed: 20 x£2.98 (£59.60)
  • Received payments £104
  • Estimated Profit to date £40.40
  • Totals: Received -100, Sold -80, Profit -£600

    NB information provided at meeting was subsequently found to be incorrect – figures above reflect current situation.

    Meeting agreed that it would be appropriate to send a letter of thanks to Gavin Rathbone in recognition of his contribution. Pete Foster to forward draft to Grahame Rowley.

  • S.O.S. Fund

    Mike Ainsworth unable to attend meeting so figure to be updated at next meeting

  • My Square

    Continues to progress with the total raised in excess of £270.

  • New Year's Draw

    The draw is now to take place on Feb 6th to allow a push for ticket sales over the next 2 weeks/3 games. Degree of success not yet clear but agreed that next year's tickets should not have any specific date for the draw.

  • Goal Sponsorship

    Steve Foster reported that he would be chasing up payments as it is around halfway through the season.

    Membership Update

    No change over last month. Renewals are due over next few weeks: Anthony Wright to circulate sample letter to go out with Renewals. Ian Jones to provide Standing Order form to be distributed for those wishing to use this facility.

    Treasurer's Report

    No change in the financial picture this month. The new bank account has now been opened. Brian Flynn, Steven Foster, and Ian Jones signatories, with Anthony Wright also named on the account.

    Any Other Business (AOB)

  • Wallpaper Stickers

    A sample was reviewed. These appear to be good quality. It was agreed that they may sell for around £5, and that it was worth asking Brian Flynn to obtain prices to understand margin.

  • Busking

    An offer to ‘busk’ at a forthcoming match has been received – proceedings to the club – agreed to give it a try and Brian Flynn to ask Peter Baldwin to let us know when it would be convenient.

  • 1990/91 Reunion

    Peter Foster agreed to co-ordinate this event that is likely to take place later in the year (Sept-Nov 2010).

  • Easy Fundraising

    This involves internet shopping via an AFC ‘gateway’ that ensures that the club receives a variable % on each purchase. It was agreed that this was worth pursuing and Ian Jones agreed to follow this up, and to discuss with Mark Eckersall regarding the online setup.

  • Race Night

    The meeting agreed that this event needs planning to be started immediately.

    The urgent activity should be the sale of the ‘treble’ entries as with an early start this could be a more profitable fund raiser than last year. Sales to be started as soon as the New Year Draw sales close.

    Mike Ainsworth agreed to help by planning the sale of horses/races, additional planning of the event to start at the next meeting.

  • Fans' Forum

    Graham Heathcote has offered to host a fans' forum. It was agreed that this would be welcomed by fans and also provided an opportunity to raise a bit of cash. The event to have entry cost of £2-3, and to try to setup some form of small quiz or similar to make it more of an event.

    Grahame Rowley/Steve Foster to look into and report back at next meeting.

  • Future Meetings

    27th February and 20th March